The noun of the word 'believe' is -

ক) belief
খ) believable
গ) believing
ঘ) believbly

Related Questions

ক) She asked him what he wanted.
খ) She asked him what he wants
গ) She asks him what he wants .
ঘ) She wanted him
ক) Is he known by you?
খ) Does he known by you?
গ) Is he known to you?
ঘ) Is he known with you?
ক) I could not help do it.
খ) I could not help doing it.
গ) I could not help to do it.
ঘ) I could not but he did it.
ক) The water is simmering in the kettle.
খ) The water is rising high in the kettle .
গ) The water is rising high in the kettle.
ঘ) The kettle is over flowing.
ক) an elephant of white color
খ) a black marketer
গ) a very costly and troublesome possession
ঘ) a hoarder
ক) flattery for self -motive
খ) speaking ill of others
গ) Speaking highly of others
ঘ) recognizing good deed of others .

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