Mr. Johan pays income tax on the sum above $3000 at a rate of 6 cents per Dollar. If he has $4880 after paying the income tax. what is john's gross income?

ক) 4750
খ) 4950
গ) 5000
ঘ) 5100

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ক) ১২০
খ) ৪৫
গ) ১৫
ঘ) ৯০
ক) Inhertence
খ) Surounding
গ) Teemendus
ঘ) Plausible
ক) road lead
খ) roads leads
গ) roads lead
ঘ) road leads
ক) Everybody admits that Hanif hasn't try his best in the final examination .
খ) Everybody admits that Hanif didn't by his best in the final examination.
গ) Hanif didn't try his best in the final examination and everybody admits that.
ঘ) Nobody denies that Hanif tried his best in the final examination.

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