The ages of A and B are in the ratio 3:1 . Fifteen years hence , the ratio will be 2:1 . Their present ages are :
ক) 30 years , 10 years
খ) 45 years , 15 years
গ) 21 years , 7 years
ঘ) 60 years , 20 years
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ক) Suma Biswas
খ) Ruman Shana
গ) Sohel Rana
ঘ) Bonna Akter
ক) 1:3
খ) 2:3
গ) 3:2
ঘ) None of these
ক) Sylhet Thunders
খ) Rajshahi Royals
গ) Dhaka Platoon
ঘ) Cumilla Warriors
ক) 32 years
খ) 36 years
গ) 40 years
ঘ) 48 years
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