A is 30% more efficient than B . How much time will they, working together , take to-complete a job which A alone could have done in 23 days ?
ক) 11 days
খ) 13 days
গ) 21 days
ঘ) None of these
Related Questions
ক) 18
খ) 20
গ) 25
ঘ) 30
ক) F12
খ) Shift F12
গ) Alt+F12
ঘ) Ctrl + F12
ক) TK. 890
খ) TK. 1335
গ) TK. 1602
ঘ) TK. 1780
ক) Bangladesh Bank
খ) London Stock Exchange
গ) International Finance Corporation
ঘ) World Bank
ক) 30 years , 10 years
খ) 45 years , 15 years
গ) 21 years , 7 years
ঘ) 60 years , 20 years
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