Kamal is shorter than Ruhan, but taller than Anika, Dina is shorter than Kamal . Rubayet is shorter than Ruhan but taller than Kamal . Who is tallest in terms of height ?
ক) Kamal
খ) Ruhan
গ) Anika
ঘ) Dina
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ক) upto a certain limit
খ) till losing one's interest
গ) everywhere
ঘ) till losing one's patience
ক) one who is very obstinate
খ) very difficult child
গ) problem that is hard to be solved
ঘ) a walnut or a fruit
ক) false hopes for a foolish person
খ) an imaginary idea
গ) an unexpected gain
ঘ) a foolish person
ক) A liar
খ) A man of no substance
গ) A man who thinks of material benefits
ঘ) One who refuses to surrender
ক) an unexpected gain
খ) a X-mas gift
গ) Thought provoking oration
ঘ) fluency of speech
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