75% of 0.08 = ?
ক) 0.04
খ) 0.50
গ) 0.06
ঘ) 0.060
Related Questions
ক) is in favour
খ) is favouring
গ) are in favour
ঘ) are for favour
ক) depend the extend
খ) depend the extent
গ) depending the extend
ঘ) depends the extend
ক) Kamal
খ) Ruhan
গ) Anika
ঘ) Dina
ক) upto a certain limit
খ) till losing one's interest
গ) everywhere
ঘ) till losing one's patience
ক) one who is very obstinate
খ) very difficult child
গ) problem that is hard to be solved
ঘ) a walnut or a fruit
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