The first English Dictionary was compiled by ?
ক) Lzaak Walton
খ) Samuel Johnson
গ) Samuel Butler
ঘ) Sir Thomas Browne
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ক) The letter s
খ) Men and women
গ) Chaos and confusion
ঘ) The holding of more than one office at a time
ক) Eliot and pound
খ) Yeats and Eliot
গ) Pope and Dryden
ঘ) Shelley and Keats
ক) Two Voices
খ) The Scholar Gipsy
গ) Andreadel Sarto
ঘ) One one
ক) Thomas Hardy
খ) Janne Austen
গ) George Eliot
ঘ) Charles Dickens
ক) Ben Johnson
খ) Christopher
গ) John Dryden
ঘ) William Shakespeare
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