'Ballad' is---

ক) a kind of short narrative poem
খ) a kind of short condoling poem
গ) a kind of short love poem
ঘ) a rhymic verse

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ক) Ne'er to be seen again
খ) Vanish like summer's rain
গ) Ne'er to be found again
ঘ) As quick a growth to meet decay
ক) sets
খ) is setting
গ) will set
ঘ) set
ক) is arrived
খ) has arrived
গ) had arrived
ঘ) have arrived
ক) left
খ) had left
গ) has left
ঘ) has been leaving
ক) She denied that she had been written the letter
খ) She denied that she had written the letter .
গ) She denied that she wrote the letter .
ঘ) She denied that she has written the letter .

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