Huffing and puffing, we arrived at the classroom door with only seven seconds to spare.' In this sentence the verb 'arrived' is

ক) intransitive
খ) transitive
গ) causative
ঘ) defectie

Related Questions

ক) noun
খ) verb
গ) adjective
ঘ) adverb
ক) her teeth were more brighter than a string of pearls.
খ) Her teeth were brighter than a string of pearls.
গ) A sting of pearls was brighter than her teeth.
ঘ) A string of pearls were very brighter than her teeth.
ক) gerund
খ) apposition
গ) preposition
ঘ) conjunction
ক) H. G. Wells
খ) Samuel Butler
গ) George Moore
ঘ) Henry James
ক) Samuel Beckett
খ) Henry Livings
গ) Harold Pinter
ঘ) Arthur Miller
ক) into
খ) no preposition
গ) to
ঘ) Incyclopedia

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