RTGS is a-
ক) Payment system
খ) Governance system
গ) Right-based group
ঘ) An anti-virus software
Related Questions
ক) Gulp: Sip
খ) Scom: Admire
গ) Participate: Observe
ঘ) Hunt: Stalk
ক) Serration:Braiding
খ) Hole: Perforation
গ) Dent: Weakening
ঘ) Break: Setting
ক) even
খ) for
গ) never
ঘ) being
ক) with
খ) their
গ) about
ঘ) for
ক) As contrasted with the honeybee
খ) in contrast to the honeybee's
গ) unlike that of the honeybee
ঘ) unlike the honeybee
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