The average monthly income of P and Q is Tk.5050. The average monthly income of Q and R is Tk.6250 and the average monthly income of P and R is Tk.5200. Calculate the monthly income of P.
ক) Tk.4000
খ) Tk.6100
গ) Tk.6400
ঘ) Tk. 16500
Related Questions
ক) Tk. 15000
খ) Tk. 16000
গ) Tk. 18000
ঘ) None of these
ক) 4 cm
খ) 6 cm
গ) 10 cm
ঘ) 14 cm
ক) 200
খ) 250
গ) 300
ঘ) 350
ক) 180°
খ) 240°
গ) 360°
ঘ) 540°
ক) -10/9
খ) 5/4
গ) -5/3
ঘ) -5/4
ক) 3:15
খ) 7:15
গ) 8:45
ঘ) 9:45
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