Jasim's weight is 140% of Masum's weight. Bashir's weight is 90% of Limon's weight. Limon weights twice as much as Masum. What percentage of Jasim's weight is Bashir's weight?
ক) 64⁴⁄₇%
খ) 77²⁄₉%
গ) 128⁴⁄₇ %
ঘ) 155²⁄₉%
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ক) 64⁴⁄₇%
খ) 15²⁄₃%
গ) 33⅓%
ঘ) 45½ %
ক) Tk. 2000
খ) Tk. 2500
গ) Tk. 3000
ঘ) Tk. 4500
ক) 12
খ) 24
গ) 36
ঘ) 48
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