Which of the following options should be used to replace the underlined portion to correct the sentence 'Arafat has the guts ''to rise from'' the occasion and come out successful'.
ক) to rise to
খ) in rising from
গ) to raise with
ঘ) to rise against
Related Questions
ক) has brought real honor to
খ) has really honored
গ) has brought real honor for
ঘ) have brought real honor to
ক) list of items to be discussed
খ) list of events of a fixed time
গ) plan of a journey
ঘ) record of events occurred in a day
ক) I found his pulse.
খ) I examined his pulse.
গ) I saw his pulse.
ঘ) I felt his pulse.
ক) Having shouted
খ) Being shouted
গ) Since I shouted
ঘ) Shouting
ক) among
খ) between
গ) equally
ঘ) by
ক) Egoist
খ) Puritan
গ) Fatalist
ঘ) Tyrant
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