১ থেকে ৪৯ পর্যন্ত সংখ্যার গড় কত?

ক) ২৩
খ) ২৪.৫
গ) ২৫
ঘ) ২৬.৫

Related Questions

ক) Death is preferable to dishonour
খ) Death is preferable than dishonour
গ) Death is more preferable than dishonour
ঘ) Death is more preferable to dishonour
ক) To ere is human
খ) Too err is human
গ) To err is human
ঘ) To err is humanity
Note :

The correct translation of “মানুষ মাত্রই ভুল করে” is:

"To err is human."

This phrase captures the essence that making mistakes is a natural part of being human.

ক) ইহা হয় একটি লম্বা গল্প
খ) ইহা একটি দীর্ঘ গল্প
গ) ইহা একটি দীর্ঘ ইতিহাস
ঘ) সে অনেক কথা
ক) He does know how to swim
খ) He knows not how to swim
গ) He cannot swim
ঘ) He does not know to swim
ক) Many saints spoil broth
খ) Too many cooks spoil the broth
গ) Too many saints spoil the broth
ঘ) As many cooks spoil the broth
ক) He works hard, isn't it?
খ) He works hard, isn't he?
গ) He works hard, doesn't he?
ঘ) He works hard, doesn't it?

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