He--- to see us if he had been able to.

ক) would come
খ) would have come
গ) may have come
ঘ) may come

Related Questions

ক) I would tell him the matter
খ) I might tell him the matter
গ) I will have told him the matter
ঘ) I might have told him the matter
ক) would
খ) does
গ) will
ঘ) has
ক) helped
খ) would help
গ) will help
ঘ) can help
ক) will
খ) should
গ) can
ঘ) would
ক) will help the distressed peopel
খ) would help the distressed people
গ) Would have help the distressed people
ঘ) would have been helped the distressed people
ক) Take to task
খ) put off
গ) Put out
ঘ) Play truant

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