I am a man more sinned against than sinning'. This is uttered by-

ক) Horatio
খ) Hamlet
গ) King Lear
ঘ) Macbeth

Related Questions

ক) Sonnet
খ) Ballad
গ) Tale
ঘ) Epic
ক) Samuel Johnson
খ) T.S. Eliot
গ) John Dryden
ঘ) William Congreve
ক) Hamlet
খ) Macbeth
গ) Othello
ঘ) King Lear
ক) London and Manchester
খ) London and Paris
গ) Paris and New York
ঘ) Paris and Geneva
ক) There are trees on the both sides of the road
খ) There are trees on both the sides of the road.
গ) There are trees, on both side of the road.
ঘ) There are trees on either sides of the road.
ক) Had you been there on time, you could have had the information.
খ) If you had been there on time, you could have the information.
গ) If you had been there on time, you might get the information.
ঘ) Had been you there, you could have got the information.

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