brilliant students will be _______ scholarships.

ক) honoured
খ) awarded
গ) rewarded
ঘ) forwarded

Related Questions

ক) He said that what a beautiful scene it was.
খ) He wondered that it was a beautiful scene.
গ) He exclaimed what a beautiful scene it was.
ঘ) He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful scene.
ক) My friend said to me that my father has returned from Chattogram
খ) My friend asked me if my father had returned from Chattogram
গ) My friend told me that his father had returned from Chattogram
ঘ) My friend enquired me if his father has returned from Chattogram
ক) Surveilance
খ) Survellance
গ) Surveillance
ঘ) Survaillance
ক) Mathemetics
খ) Mathamatics
গ) Mathametics
ঘ) Mathematics
ক) Aproched
খ) Aproached
গ) Appraoched
ঘ) Approached
ক) To find out one's roots
খ) To return to place of rest
গ) Back to original position
ঘ) To emphasize on residence

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