Identify the correct sentence:

ক) Bread is usually made of wheat.
খ) Bread is usually made with wheat.
গ) Bread is usually made by wheat.
ঘ) Bread is usually made from wheat.

Related Questions

ক) Everywhere
খ) very large
গ) mostly
ঘ) fare away
ক) টাকায় টাকা আনে
খ) অর্থই সকল অনর্থের মূল
গ) টাকায়ই সর্বসুখ
ঘ) কোনটিই নয়
ক) had
খ) have
গ) might
ঘ) would
ক) keats
খ) Shelly
গ) Coleridge
ঘ) Wordsworth
ক) hand shake
খ) very intimate
গ) enmity
ঘ) cold weather
ক) tasty nuts
খ) hard object
গ) strong
ঘ) difficult problem

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