Who's that?' In this sentence 'that' is a/an-

ক) pronoun
খ) conjunction
গ) adjective
ঘ) adverb

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ক) It is but right to admit our faults.
খ) What can we do but sit and wait?
গ) We tried hard, but did not succeed.
ঘ) There is no one but likes him.
ক) preposition
খ) adverb
গ) noun
ঘ) conjunction
ক) noun
খ) preposition
গ) adverb
ঘ) adjective
ক) noun
খ) preposition
গ) adverb
ঘ) adjective
ক) a preposition
খ) an interjection
গ) an adverb
ঘ) an adjective
ক) Draw near and listen.
খ) My school was near the mosque
গ) She is a near relation.
ঘ) Death nears wish the passage of time

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