Choose the correct sentence :

ক) Go to featch some water
খ) Go and fetch some water for me.
গ) Fetch and bring some water for me
ঘ) Fetch some water for me.

Related Questions

ক) reliment
খ) reliance
গ) rely
ঘ) None
ক) I injsist on your goint there.
খ) I insist you to go there
গ) I insist upon your to go there.
ঘ) I insist yourself to go there.
ক) Amusing
খ) Quick
গ) Dull
ঘ) Exciting
ক) to keep away from extreme poverty.
খ) To keep off an unwanted and undesirable person.
গ) to keep alive.
ঘ) to keep the difficulties and dangers in check.
ক) Damp the spirits
খ) Throwing of cold water
গ) lee water
ঘ) None

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