নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?

ক) There is no place in the bench
খ) I go two bread
গ) It is a nice poem
ঘ) I went to my house

Related Questions

ক) I do not know to swim
খ) He told me a fool
গ) A drowning man catches at a straw
ঘ) He said me a lie
ক) A big number of money.
খ) I met two women here.
গ) Put your sign here.
ঘ) I have paid my schooling fees.
ক) Sohel is taller than I
খ) Sohel is taller than me
গ) I did not think it was her
ঘ) She is out of her danger
ক) Panna is only present
খ) The man was born in 1968
গ) I feel myself hungry
ঘ) The sheeps are quite healthy
ক) I have read a poetry
খ) I have read a piece of poetry
গ) I saw his pulse
ঘ) The man took his birth in 1968
ক) Fire and water do not agree.
খ) I do not take fruits.
গ) I have no appetite in food
ঘ) He gave me some good advices.

জব সলুশন

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