In spite of everything life is worth ---

ক) eating
খ) singing
গ) living
ঘ) dancing

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ক) Till lunch time
খ) Till he came
গ) Until 6 o'clock
ঘ) Since this morning
ক) building material
খ) clear evidence
গ) something to cover a path
ঘ) a cement mixer
ক) serious attack
খ) strong attack
গ) severe attack
ঘ) bad attack
ক) strong
খ) acute
গ) serious
ঘ) bad
ক) How are you
খ) Hows it going
গ) How have you been
ঘ) What's up
ক) diamond jabilee
খ) golden jubilee
গ) platinum jubliee
ঘ) silver jubliee

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