বাংলাদেশের সরকার ব্যবস্থা কোন ধরণের?

ক) ফেডারেল সরকার
খ) লিবারেল সরকার
গ) মন্ত্রিপরিষদ শাসিত
ঘ) রাষ্ট্রপতি শাসিত

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ক) A large solid piece of store
খ) A device to cut off a person's head as a punishment
গ) Something that makes movement difficult
ঘ) A powerful explosive to demolish buildings
ক) We are not liked by idle people.
খ) Idle people are not like us.
গ) Idle people are not liked by us.
ঘ) Idle people are not of our liking.
ক) an imaginary story
খ) a funny film
গ) a histroy record
ঘ) a real life event
ক) ardour
খ) compassion
গ) anxiety
ঘ) concern
ক) to learn
খ) to listen
গ) to drink
ঘ) to acquire

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