Writing is better than reading'--Negative form of this sentence is --

ক) Writing is not as good as reading
খ) Reading is not as good as writing
গ) Nothing is as good as writing
ঘ) No other thing is as good as reading

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ক) Example
খ) Priority
গ) Elderly
ঘ) Case
ক) Flatterer
খ) Phony
গ) Dishonour
ঘ) Dignified person
ক) Foggy
খ) Vague
গ) Sunny
ঘ) Misty
ক) Considerate
খ) Cunning
গ) Sincere
ঘ) Wise
ক) I have had the news
খ) I have the news
গ) I shall have the news
ঘ) I had the news
ক) The tree has been uprooted
খ) The door should be kept closed
গ) I have lost my watch
ঘ) My suggestion was not accepted

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