Are you doing anything special---the weekend? fill in the gap with appropriate preposition.
ক) in
খ) for
গ) on
ঘ) at
Related Questions
ক) a period of being carefree
খ) a period of having youthful flings
গ) a period of misfortune
ঘ) hot weather
ক) does Mr. Ali live
খ) Mr. Ali does live
গ) Mr. Ali lives
ঘ) lives Mr. Ali
ক) in the wake of
খ) in the guise of
গ) in the plea of
ঘ) in the teeth of
ক) no preposition
খ) by
গ) in
ঘ) with
ক) a poem by Wordsworth
খ) a short story by Somerst Maugham
গ) a novel by D. H. Lawrence
ঘ) a verse by Coleridge
ক) controlled prices
খ) economic slow down
গ) a disintegrating goverment
ঘ) Cultural dullness
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