To call a spade a spade" means----

ক) speak plainly
খ) to speak vrbosely
গ) to express fully
ঘ) to speak ornamentally

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ক) আগে ঘর তবেতো পর
খ) ঝোপ বুঝে কোপ মারা
গ) স্পষ্টাস্পষ্টি কথা বলা
ঘ) জলেই জল বাঁধে
ক) grievous hurt
খ) murder
গ) extortion
ঘ) not amounting to murder
ক) to cut into two pieces
খ) to cut quickly
গ) to cut at a reasonable speed
ঘ) to hurt intensely
ক) isn't it day time?
খ) let's stop work now
গ) let's presume it to be day
ঘ) let's compare it with a day
ক) cat's paw
খ) Cold water
গ) fresh blood
ঘ) kith and kin
ক) Give a false alarm
খ) Bare one's teeth
গ) Clear the road
ঘ) Show anger

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