We shall be taking tea.' বাক্যটির passive form হবে

ক) Tea will be being taken by us
খ) Tea shall have been taken by us
গ) Tea should be being taken by us
ঘ) Tea should be taken by us.

Related Questions

ক) I shall be doing the work.
খ) The work may be done by me.
গ) The work will be done by me.
ঘ) The work would be done by me.
ক) He said that had he gone to Tangail.
খ) He said that I had gone to Tangail.
গ) He said that he had gone to Tangail.
ঘ) He said that he went to Tangail.
ক) You told me that you are right
খ) You told me that I am right
গ) You told me that I was right
ঘ) You told me that you were right
ক) linker
খ) article
গ) adjective
ঘ) preposition
ক) In spite of his poverty he is happy
খ) I know that he is rich
গ) He is very weak so that he can not walk
ঘ) Did he write a letter
ক) Two clauses
খ) One clauses
গ) Three clauses
ঘ) Four clauses

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