Plunging into the water_______.
ক) the drowning child was rescued
খ) the drowning child will be rescued
গ) the child has been rescued
ঘ) he rescued the drowning child
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ক) was a photograph of my mother
খ) a photograph of my mother was
গ) I saw a photograph of my mother
ঘ) a photograph of my mother I saw
ক) Jahan had an accident
খ) It happened that Jahan's bike broke down
গ) the storm caught Jahan the bicycle of Jahan
ঘ) broke down
ক) Not looking where he was going, he was hit by a car.
খ) Not looking where he was going, a car hit him
গ) Not looking where he was going, a car had hit him
ঘ) Not looking where he was going, he was hitted by a car.
ক) the problem was discussed by the members of the committe
খ) the committe members discussed the problem
গ) it was dicussion of the committe members the problem
ঘ) a discussion of the problem was made by the members of committe
ক) as we crossed the street, a car almost struck us
খ) crossing the street, a car almost struck us.
গ) Having crossed the street, a car almost struck us
ঘ) a car almost struck us, crossed the street
ক) Hearing the good news , I was happy
খ) Hearing the good news, happines was mine
গ) Hearing good news, happy I was
ঘ) Hearing the good news, mine was happiness
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