Though he tried hard, he failed. (Compound)

ক) He tried and failed.
খ) In spite of trying hard, he failed.
গ) He tried hard but failed.
ঘ) But for his trying hard, he failed.

Related Questions

ক) Having done the work , I went home .
খ) Being done the work , I went home .
গ) Because of being done the work , I went home .
ঘ) As I had done the work , I went home .
ক) In case of your failure to move , you will die
খ) You move , you will dir
গ) If you move , you will die
ঘ) Move sand die
ক) Since a stone is rolling, it gathers no moss.
খ) Though a stone rolls, it gathers no moss.
গ) A stone what rolls gathers no moss.
ঘ) A stone that rolls gathers no moss.
ক) He is poor and honest
খ) As he is poor, he is honest
গ) He is poor but honest
ঘ) Since he is poor, he is honest
ক) I have no money to spare
খ) I have not so money to be spared
গ) I have money but not to spare
ঘ) I have money but not is spare
ক) Man is the maker of his own fortune .
খ) Man make his own fortune .
গ) Men and the makers of his own fortune .
ঘ) Men make his own fortune .

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