Lingua franca' means---

ক) The common language.
খ) The first language.
গ) International language.
ঘ) The French language.

Related Questions

ক) impossible
খ) solution
গ) continuous
ঘ) deadlock
ক) near the death
খ) after the fact
গ) after the life
ঘ) after the retirement
ক) Saying goodbye
খ) Doing forbidden works
গ) Being ardent
ঘ) Doing anduous work
ক) Negative sentence
খ) Complex sentence
গ) Compound sentence
ঘ) None
ক) compound sentence
খ) complex
গ) simple
ঘ) exclamatory
ক) Simple sentence
খ) Complex Sentence
গ) Compound sentence
ঘ) Exclamatory sentence

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