I prefer tea _____coffee:

ক) than
খ) from
গ) to
ঘ) for

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ক) event that never happened
খ) tenure of the President
গ) a matter to deal with
ঘ) a case of reference
ক) He was hung for murder.
খ) He was hanged for murder
গ) He was hunged for murder
ঘ) He had been hung for murder.
ক) round, around
খ) preserve, prevent
গ) fire, flame
ঘ) bag, sack
ক) Accelerate
খ) Accelerrate
গ) Accilarate
ঘ) Accilerate English
ক) four only
খ) two
গ) more than two
ঘ) two or more than two
ক) She asked me whetther I am happy in my new job.
খ) She asked me If had been happy in my new job.
গ) She asked me if I was happy in my new job.
ঘ) She asked me if I have been happy in my new job.

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