As soon as the teacher enters the classroom, The students stand up. (Negative)

ক) No sooner does the teacher enter the classroom than the students stand up.
খ) No sooner the teacher enters the classroom than the students stand up.
গ) No sooner had the teacher entered the classroom than the students stood up.
ঘ) The students stood up as the teacher entered the classroom.

Related Questions

ক) No other problem in our country is as bed as water-logging.
খ) Very few problems in our country are as bad as water-logging.
গ) Water logging is a very worse problem in our country.
ঘ) Water logging is worse than any other problem in our country.
ক) Love our country.
খ) Let us love our country.
গ) We may not hate our country.
ঘ) Should love our country.
ক) It is doubtless that he is a brave man.
খ) There is no doubt that he is a brave man
গ) Undoubtedly he is a brave man.
ঘ) He is a brave man and there is no doubt about it.
ক) What is friendship but a name?
খ) Is friendship anything but a name?
গ) What is nothing but a name?
ঘ) Why is friendship a name?
ক) seen
খ) telecasting
গ) telecast
ঘ) telecasted
ক) puzzled
খ) destroyed
গ) defeat
ঘ) harm

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