Rome was not built in a day. (Active)

ক) The Romans did not built Rome in a day
খ) People were not build Rome in a day
গ) The Romans were not build Rome in a day
ঘ) A day was not built by Rome

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ক) purchase
খ) purchased
গ) purchases
ঘ) purchasing
ক) are
খ) is
গ) have been
ঘ) been
ক) Narayangonj
খ) Newcastle
গ) England
ঘ) Lahore
ক) a path
খ) many ways
গ) a way
ঘ) a well-wisher
ক) Jerry was not four years old
খ) Jerry was not more than four years old
গ) No one but Jerry was four years old
ঘ) None but Jerry was four years old
ক) She was helped solve the problem
খ) The problem was solved by my
গ) Her problem was solved by me
ঘ) She was helped to solve the problem by my

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