He gave me a dress which was expensive. (Simple)

ক) He gave me a dress expensive.
খ) He gave me a dress and it was expensive.
গ) He gave me a expensive dress.
ঘ) He gave me an expensive dress.

Related Questions

ক) adjective
খ) adverb
গ) verb
ঘ) noun
ক) Honey is not so sweet as money.
খ) Money is not as sweet as honey.
গ) Nothing is as sweet as money and honey.
ঘ) Honey is not sweeter than money.
ক) The Romans did not built Rome in a day
খ) People were not build Rome in a day
গ) The Romans were not build Rome in a day
ঘ) A day was not built by Rome
ক) purchase
খ) purchased
গ) purchases
ঘ) purchasing
ক) are
খ) is
গ) have been
ঘ) been
ক) Narayangonj
খ) Newcastle
গ) England
ঘ) Lahore

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