Jim and Della were as wise as the Magi (negative ).

ক) Jim and Della were not as wise as the Magi
খ) Jim and Della were not less wise than the Magi
গ) Jim and Della were not to wise as the Magi
ঘ) Jim and Della were not unwise than the Magi

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ক) over going
খ) on my going
গ) to go
ঘ) is to go
ক) very uncertain
খ) very likely
গ) almost impossible
ঘ) not possible at all
ক) are
খ) is
গ) were
ঘ) none of the above
ক) Knew
খ) has known
গ) had known
ঘ) Knows
ক) Sang
খ) Shall sing
গ) Can sing
ঘ) Will sing
ক) Can go
খ) Shall go
গ) Could go
ঘ) Might have gone

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