He worked very hard so that he could succeed in life . (Compound )

ক) He worked very hard but he could not succeed in life
খ) He worked very hard and he succeeded in life
গ) He worked very hard in order to succeed in life
ঘ) He wanted to succeed in life and so he worked very hard

Related Questions

ক) Is there any who must die ?
খ) Doesn't any man die ?
গ) Is there any man who will not die ?
ঘ) Is there any man who does not die ?
ক) Jim and Della were not as wise as the Magi
খ) Jim and Della were not less wise than the Magi
গ) Jim and Della were not to wise as the Magi
ঘ) Jim and Della were not unwise than the Magi
ক) over going
খ) on my going
গ) to go
ঘ) is to go
ক) very uncertain
খ) very likely
গ) almost impossible
ঘ) not possible at all
ক) are
খ) is
গ) were
ঘ) none of the above
ক) Knew
খ) has known
গ) had known
ঘ) Knows

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