People (talk) courage even after his death .

ক) talk of
খ) talk
গ) will talk
ঘ) talks of

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ক) you will fall
খ) you should stumble
গ) you would have fallen
ঘ) you might lose the way
ক) will pass
খ) passed
গ) will be passed
ঘ) pass
ক) You do not know him as good as I .
খ) You do not know him as well as I .
গ) You do not know him as well as me .
ঘ) You do not know him as good as me .
ক) s there little milk in the glass ?
খ) Isn't there little milk in the glass ?
গ) Is there any milk in the glass ?
ঘ) Isn't there any milk in the glass ?
ক) Is your payment found too little to you ?
খ) Are your payment found too little to you ?
গ) Are you payment found too little by you ?
ঘ) Is your payment found too little by you ?
ক) I not only went to the book fair but also bought a number of books .
খ) I went to the book fair and bought a number of books
গ) Going to the book fair , I bought a number of books .
ঘ) I bought a number of books when I went to the book fair .

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