. বাক্য সংকোচন : হাতির বাসস্থান
ক) গজগৃহ
খ) হাতি গৃহ
গ) গুরুগৃহ
ঘ) খাদা
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ক) অনতিক্রম্য
খ) অলঙ্ঘ্য
গ) দূরতিক্রম্য
ঘ) দুর্গম
ক) Carcass
খ) Corps
গ) Corpees
ঘ) Corpse
ক) Praticiple
খ) Adjective
গ) Gerund
ঘ) Verbal Noun
ক) She requested that she may be allowed to come in
খ) She requested that she might come in
গ) She said that she come in
ঘ) She requested that she may come in
ক) Over a billion people uses Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
খ) Over a billion people use Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
গ) Over a billion peoples use Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
ঘ) Over a billion people using Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
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