বিষয়ঃ Other
1. নাসাউ কোন দেশটির রাজধানী?
4. সবচেয়ে প্রাচীন রাজধানী কোনটি ?
5. বাংলাদেশের সর্বমোট সীমারেখা কত?
6. যে দুটি দেশের সাথে বাংলাদেশের সীমানা রয়েছে সে দুটির নাম কি?
11. আয়তনের ভিত্তিতে বাংলাদেশের বৃহত্তম জেলা কোনটি?
12. ভারতের কোন অঞ্চলের সাথে বাংলাদেশের দীর্ঘতম সীমানা বিদ্যমান?
15. I said to him,"Is he a doctor"?
16. Change the speech . 'What do you want?" She asked him
17. My father said to me, "We are going there tomorrow." বাক্যের Indirect speech হচ্ছে ---
18. The indirect form of the sentence "He said, Let us go for a walk" is-
19. Choose the correct indirect form of the following sentence.he said to me, I don't believe you.
20. The indirect speech of the sentence Sally said to me, 'Please get me a drink is___'
21. Change the form of speech : They said to him, "Sir, please visit our office today'"
22. Change the narration - The teacher says. " Rose smells sweet".
23. The direct form of the indirect sentence .He said that the patient had died early in the morning ' is-
24. He said, Thanks, my friends." The indirect speech is-
25. Rafiq called me a liar.-- Make Direct Speech
26. He said, 'Good morning, Mr. Kamal, Make Indirect Speech
27. You have all done very badly!' remarked the teacher.--- বাক্যটির Indirect speech হবে----
28. Which one is a correct Change of narration ? She said, May Allah save my child.
29. I said, 'Do it.' বাক্যের Indirect Speech হচ্ছে-
30. They said to me, "Who are you and what do you want here now"? The indirect form is-
31. He said to me, "Which book do you want?" বাক্যের Indirect Speech হচ্ছে-
32. Change to indirect speech: He said to me,"How did you do it ?"
33. The indirect form of “how dare you wake me up?The lion roared at the mouse” is-
34. Choose the correct indirect speech- she asked me, Are you happy in your new job?
35. Farida said to her mother, "I shall go to bed now' বাক্যটির Indirect Speech হবে-
36. Correct narration of the sentence : He said to me' You can not do it thus'
37. Soya said , ' I walk a mile everyday' Find out indirect narration.
38. put the following into indirect speech : when I got home ,I found I had lost my umbrella, Laila said.
39. He said, 'I went to Tangail ' (Indirect )
41. সন্ধি' ব্যাকরণের কোন অংশে আলোচিত হয়?
43. বন্ধনী চিহ্ন সাহিত্যে কী অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়?
50. পড়াশোনায় মন দাও' বাক্যে ‘পড়াশোনায়' শব্দটি কারকে কোন বিভক্তি?