বিষয়ঃ Other

1. নাসাউ কোন দেশটির রাজধানী?

ক) নিকোবর দ্বীপপুঞ্জ
খ) মাদাগাস্কার দ্বীপপুঞ্জ
গ) বাহামা দ্বীপপুঞ্জ
ঘ) ফিজি দ্বীপপুঞ্জ

2. জাপানের পার্লামেন্টের নাম-

ক) ডায়েট
খ) পিনসাস
গ) নেসেট
ঘ) সোরা

3. ফ্রান্সের রাজধানীর নাম-

ক) লন্ডন
খ) প্যারিস
গ) নিউইয়র্ক
ঘ) বাগদাদ

4. সবচেয়ে প্রাচীন রাজধানী কোনটি ?

ক) এথেল, গ্রীস
খ) বাগদাদ, ইরাক
গ) কায়রো, মিসর
ঘ) জেরুজালেম, ইসরাইল

5. বাংলাদেশের সর্বমোট সীমারেখা কত?

ক) ৫১৩৮ কিলোমিটার
খ) ৫০৯০ কিলোমিটার
গ) ৮৯৯০ কিলোমিটার
ঘ) উপরের কোনোটিই নয়

6. যে দুটি দেশের সাথে বাংলাদেশের সীমানা রয়েছে সে দুটির নাম কি?

ক) ভারত ও ভুটান
খ) ভারত ও মালদ্বীপ
গ) ভারত ও নেপাল
ঘ) ভারত ও মিয়ানমার

9. আয়তনের দিক দিয়ে বাংলাদেশের বড় জেলা কোনটি?

ক) বান্দরবন
খ) রাঙ্গামাটি
গ) ময়মনসিংহ
ঘ) কুমিল্লা

10. বাংলাদেশের কোন জেলার সাথে বিদেশের কোনো সীমানা নেই?

ক) যশোর
খ) ফরিদপুর
গ) ময়মনসিংহ
ঘ) বান্দরবান

11. আয়তনের ভিত্তিতে বাংলাদেশের বৃহত্তম জেলা কোনটি?

ক) বান্দরবান
খ) চট্রগ্রাম
গ) রাঙামাটি
ঘ) ময়মনসিংহ

12. ভারতের কোন অঞ্চলের সাথে বাংলাদেশের দীর্ঘতম সীমানা বিদ্যমান?

ক) পশ্চিমবঙ্গ
খ) ত্রিপুরা
গ) আসাম
ঘ) মিজোরাম

13. ভারতের কোন রাজ্যের সাথে বাংলাদেশের সীমানা নেই?

ক) আসাম
খ) মিজোরাম
গ) ত্রিপুরা
ঘ) নাগাল্যান্ড

14. বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে ছোট(আয়তন) জেলা কোনটি ?

ক) নারায়ণগঞ্জ
খ) নরসিংদী
গ) মেহেরপুর
ঘ) সাতক্ষীরা

15. I said to him,"Is he a doctor"?

ক) I said to him that he was a doctor
খ) I said to him whether he is a doctor
গ) I asked him whether he is a doctor
ঘ) I asked him weather he was a doctor

16. Change the speech . 'What do you want?" She asked him

ক) She asked him what he wanted
খ) She asked him what he wants
গ) She asks him what he wants
ঘ) She wanted him

17. My father said to me, "We are going there tomorrow." বাক্যের Indirect speech হচ্ছে ---

ক) My father told me that they would be going there the next day.
খ) My father said to me that they are going there the next day.
গ) My father told me that they were going there the next day.
ঘ) My father told me that they are going there the next day.

18. The indirect form of the sentence "He said, Let us go for a walk" is-

ক) He said that they must go for walk.
খ) He suggested that they should go for a walk.
গ) He proposed that they would go for walk.
ঘ) He proposed to go for walk.

19. Choose the correct indirect form of the following sentence.he said to me, I don't believe you.

ক) He told me that he didn't believe me.
খ) He said he does not believe me.
গ) He says he didn't believe me.
ঘ) He says he does not believe me.

20. The indirect speech of the sentence Sally said to me, 'Please get me a drink is___'

ক) Sally told me to get a drink for her.
খ) Sally asked me to get her a drink
গ) Sally told me to get a drink.
ঘ) Sally inquired me to have a drink for her.

21. Change the form of speech : They said to him, "Sir, please visit our office today'"

ক) They asked him to visit their office today.
খ) They requested him respectfully to visit their office that day.
গ) They addressed him sir and requested him to visit the office today.
ঘ) They told him humble manner to visit their office that day.

22. Change the narration - The teacher says. " Rose smells sweet".

ক) The teacher said that rose smells sweet.
খ) The teacher says that rose smells sweet.
গ) Rose smells sweet is said by teacher.
ঘ) Rose smells sweet was said by teacher.

23. The direct form of the indirect sentence .He said that the patient had died early in the morning ' is-

ক) He said, 'the patient has died early in the morning.
খ) He said, 'the patient had died early in the morning.
গ) He said, 'the patient died early in the last morning.
ঘ) He said, 'the patient died early in the morning.

24. He said, Thanks, my friends." The indirect speech is-

ক) He told his friends thanks
খ) He said thanked to his friends
গ) He said to friends thanks.
ঘ) He thanked his friends.

25. Rafiq called me a liar.-- Make Direct Speech

ক) Rafiq said to me, 'you were a lair'
খ) Rafiq says to me, 'you are a liar'
গ) Rafiq told me, 'you are a liar'
ঘ) Rafiq said to me, 'you are a liar'

26. He said, 'Good morning, Mr. Kamal, Make Indirect Speech

ক) He had wished Mr. Kamal good morning.
খ) He wished Mr. Kamal good morning.
গ) He said Mr. Kamal good morning.
ঘ) He told Mr. Kamal good morning.

27. You have all done very badly!' remarked the teacher.--- বাক্যটির Indirect speech হবে----

ক) The teacher remarked that they had all done it very badly.
খ) The teacher told that they did it very badly.
গ) The teacher said that they have done worsed.
ঘ) The teacher remarked that they do it bad.

28. Which one is a correct Change of narration ? She said, May Allah save my child.

ক) She wished that Allah mighty save her child.
খ) She wished that Allah might save her child.
গ) She said that Allah might save her child.
ঘ) She prayed that Allah might save her child.

29. I said, 'Do it.' বাক্যের Indirect Speech হচ্ছে-

ক) I ordered to do it.
খ) I said to do it.
গ) I said that it should be done.
ঘ) I said that let it be done.

30. They said to me, "Who are you and what do you want here now"? The indirect form is-

ক) They enquired me who were you and what you wanted here then
খ) They enquired me who I was and what I wanted there then?
গ) They enquired me who I was and what i wanted there now.
ঘ) They enquired me who I was and what i wanted there then.

31. He said to me, "Which book do you want?" বাক্যের Indirect Speech হচ্ছে-

ক) He said to me which book I wanted
খ) He asked to me which book I wanted
গ) He said me which book I wanted
ঘ) He asked me which book I wanted

32. Change to indirect speech: He said to me,"How did you do it ?"

ক) He enquired of me if i had done it
খ) He enquired of me how i had done it
গ) He said to me if i had done it
ঘ) He said to me that i had done it

33. The indirect form of “how dare you wake me up?The lion roared at the mouse” is-

ক) The lion roared and said to the mouse why he wakes him up
খ) The lion said to the mouse why it got him up
গ) The lion questioned the mouse about its waking up
ঘ) The lion roared and asked the mouse how it dared to wake him up

34. Choose the correct indirect speech- she asked me, Are you happy in your new job?

ক) She asked me whetther I am happy in my new job.
খ) She asked me If had been happy in my new job.
গ) She asked me if I was happy in my new job.
ঘ) She asked me if have been happy in my new job.

35. Farida said to her mother, "I shall go to bed now' বাক্যটির Indirect Speech হবে-

ক) Farida told her mother that she should go to bed now.
খ) Farida told her mother that she will go to bed then.
গ) Farida told her mother that she would go to be then.
ঘ) Farida told her mother that she will go to bed now.

36. Correct narration of the sentence : He said to me' You can not do it thus'

ক) He told me that I could not do it that way
খ) He said to me I could not have done it the way
গ) He told me I could not do that thus
ঘ) None of the above

37. Soya said , ' I walk a mile everyday' Find out indirect narration.

ক) soya said that she walked a mile everyday
খ) soya said that she walks a mile everyday
গ) Soya said that I am walking a mile everyday
ঘ) Soya said that I walk a mile everyday

38. put the following into indirect speech : when I got home ,I found I had lost my umbrella, Laila said.

ক) Laila said that when she had got home she found that she had lost her umbrella.
খ) Laila said that when she had got home she found she lost her umbrella.
গ) Laila said that when she had got home she had found that she lost her umbrella.
ঘ) Laila said when she had got home that she found she lost her umbrella.

39. He said, 'I went to Tangail ' (Indirect )

ক) He said that had he gone to Tangail.
খ) He said that I had gone to Tangail.
গ) He said that he had gone to Tangail.
ঘ) He said that he went to Tangail.

40. কোনটি ব্যতিহার বহুব্রীহি সমাস এর উদাহরণ?

ক) চিরসুখী
খ) দশানন
গ) গায়েহলুদ
ঘ) কানাকানি

41. সন্ধি' ব্যাকরণের কোন অংশে আলোচিত হয়?

ক) রূপতত্ত্বে
খ) বাক্যতত্ত্বে
গ) অর্থতত্ত্বে
ঘ) ধ্বনিতত্ত্বে

42. Edition শব্দের অর্থ

ক) সংস্করণ
খ) সম্পাদক
গ) সম্পাদকীয়
ঘ) অনুসন্ধান

43. বন্ধনী চিহ্ন সাহিত্যে কী অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়?

ক) ধাতু বোঝাতে
খ) অর্থমূলক
গ) ব্যাখ্যামূলক
ঘ) উৎপন্ন বোঝাতে

45. জায়া’ শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ কোনটি?

ক) অর্ধাঙ্গিনী
খ) কন্যা
গ) নন্দিনী
ঘ) ভাগনী

46. প্রমথ চৌধুরি সম্পাদিত পত্রিকার নাম-

ক) তত্ত্ববোদ্ধিনী
খ) সবুজপত্র
গ) কল্লোল
ঘ) ধুমকেতু

47. ভাষার কোন রীতি তৎসম শব্দবহুল?

ক) সাধুরীতি
খ) চলিতরীতি
গ) কথ্যরীতি
ঘ) লেখ্যরীতি

48. সাধুও চলিত রীতিতে অভিন্নরূপেব্যবহৃত হয়?

ক) অব্যয়
খ) সম্বোধন পদ
গ) সর্বনাম
ঘ) ক্রিয়া

49. বাংলা ভাষার মূল উৎস কী?

ক) হিন্দি ভাষা
খ) বৈদিক ভাষা
গ) উড়িয়া
ঘ) অনার্য ভাষা

50. পড়াশোনায় মন দাও' বাক্যে ‘পড়াশোনায়' শব্দটি কারকে কোন বিভক্তি?

ক) কর্তায় ৭মী
খ) কর্মে ৭মী
গ) অপাদানে ৭মী
ঘ) অধিকরণে ৭মী

আমাদের মোবাইল অ্যাপ ডাউনলোড করুন

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