বিষয়ঃ Other
49153. 'ঘরের শত্রু বিভীষণ' বাগধারাটির অর্থ ---
49154. . বাংলা গদ্যের জনক কে?
49161. কারক নির্ণয় করুন --'লোভে' পাপ 'পাপে' মৃত্যু।
49168. Rana's father wants him to be an engineer---a doctor.
49170. It is high time we---our eating habits.
49171. Select the correct Bangla translation of : "There is no room in the bench".
49172. . 'শব্দটি কেটে দাও'--এর শুদ্ধ ইংরেজি--
49174. Which one is the correct passive form of the sentence 'I know you'?
49177. 'Writing is better than reading'--Negative form of this sentence is -----
49180. Which one is the correct English translation of 'এখন আমার হাত খালি'?
49185. Select the correct Bangla translation of : 'It is a long story'
49187. Which one is the correct passive form of the sentence, "Panic seized me".
49188. Everyday ----begins at 9 O'clock and ends at 3 O'clock .
49189. 4 Choose the correct sentence :
49191. . Choose the correct sentence :
49192. Complete the sentence : When my friend arrived I was about to ----