বায়ুমন্ডলের ওজন স্তর অবক্ষয়ে কোন গ্যাসটির ভূমিকা সর্বচ্চো?

ক) কার্বন ডাই অক্সাইড
খ) জলীয় বাষ্প
গ) নাইট্রিক অক্সাইড
ঘ) CFC বা ক্লোরোফ্লোরো কার্বন

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ক) have not much changed over the years
খ) can change once they stop stealing children
গ) have shown signs of change
ঘ) are still the same as before
ক) The work shall be done by me
খ) The work shall be done with me
গ) The work will be done by me
ঘ) The work would be done by me
ক) The English took them to the Egyptians
খ) the English considered them to be Egyptians
গ) The English were taken in by the Egyptians
ঘ) The English brought them as far as to Egypt
ক) By whom can it be did
খ) By whom can it be do
গ) By whom could it be done
ঘ) By whom can it be done
ক) are always on the move
খ) came originally from Egypt to England
গ) steal children to train them in their way of life
ঘ) have a settled way of life
ক) He exclaimed with sorrow that he is ruined
খ) He exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined
গ) He exclaimed with sorrow that he has ruined
ঘ) He exclaimed with sorrow that he has been ruined

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