He decided to sell the house. ( Make it passive).

ক) He told that the house is sold
খ) He wanted that the house should be sold
গ) He decided that the house may be sold by him
ঘ) He decided that the house should be sold

Related Questions

ক) The patriot will always remembered by people
খ) The patriots are always being remembered
গ) People are always remembered by patriots
ঘ) The patriots are always remembered
ক) Tea will be being taken by us
খ) Tea shall have been taken by us
গ) Tea should be being taken by us
ঘ) Tea should be taken by us.
ক) I shall be doing the work.
খ) The work may be done by me.
গ) The work will be done by me.
ঘ) The work would be done by me.
ক) He said that had he gone to Tangail.
খ) He said that I had gone to Tangail.
গ) He said that he had gone to Tangail.
ঘ) He said that he went to Tangail.
ক) You told me that you are right
খ) You told me that I am right
গ) You told me that I was right
ঘ) You told me that you were right
ক) linker
খ) article
গ) adjective
ঘ) preposition

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