Which is is an example of complex sentence with a noun clause?
ক) He explained that he was delayed by bad weather
খ) he is my uncle who works in Australia
গ) if you are happy, you can eat a banana
ঘ) when I was five I went to a primary school
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ক) Co-ordinate clause
খ) Noun Clause
গ) Adjective Clause
ঘ) Adverb Clause
ক) you would realize
খ) you realized
গ) you have realized
ঘ) that you realize
ক) a principal clause
খ) subordinate clause
গ) a co-ordinate clause
ঘ) none of them
ক) a noun clause
খ) an adjective clause
গ) an adverbial clause
ঘ) none of them
ক) Noun clause
খ) Adjective clause
গ) Adverb claus
ঘ) Noun phrase
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